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Tata Limited

Defying Gravity

How changes to trade modelling could supercharge a UK-India FTA: A report produced for Tata Limited

October 2021     |     Tata Limited     |     United Kingdom

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Tata Limited has worked in conjunction with a leading geopolitical analysis firm, Oxford Analytica, to produce a report that seeks to contribute to the debate surrounding the United Kingdom’s trade modelling practices, and more specifically, the future of UK-India trade.

The report considers how economic models can best reflect the dynamics of two economies that may be geographically distant, but that are nonetheless connected in many other ways. 

By making suggestions for possible consideration to overall model performance and identifying future opportunities for trade growth, the report has also produced sample modelling to illustrate the potential benefits of incorporating additional data and reflections into the UK’s models.

As the UK Government is already conducting a welcome review of its trade modelling practices, this intervention by Tata seeks to contribute to that exercise and provide a stimulus for further discussion.  

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